Beauty Syncing Skincare

Beauty Syncing Skincare

25 minute read   |   

Every woman is familiar with what it felt like to experience 'that time of the month' the first time and the rite of passage to womanhood. What beliefs do you hold to be true about that deeply feminine cyclical part of you? Is it beliefs of shame, being told you are too much, not enough or that you should continue on overdrive despite the tiredness your body is feeling? Is your skin constantly plagued by changes you know are connected to your cycle? Did you know that this part of you is intricately designed, intentional and wise and it can be disrupted? Nourishing the skin, body and mind with practices, nutrition and products that harmonize with its design will foster conscious beauty and well-aging. The basics: a woman has four phases within her cycle that impact her uniquely and intentionally. Each marked by hormonal fluctuations and physiological changes that manifest through the skin, mind, and life. This influence expands beyond the reproductive nature of her cycle.

Phase One - Menstruation: Winter ❄️ (Days 1-5)

The menstrual phase initiates the first day of the cycle, the energy is inward and focused on this process. Hormonal levels intentionally plummet and can result in the skin experiencing the inflammaging symptoms from dehydration. Your uterine lining is shedding. This phase is much like winter. You may feel like you want to hibernate, relax, just be, and sleep more.

Skin inflammaging signs - phase one:

  • Skin dullness and dehydration. This natural release needs clean living water, hydrating foods, and nature based body care. While the energy is inward stress resilience is low contributing to the dehydration resulting in dull, dry, acneic and lackluster skin when not properly replaced.

Skincare best practices:

  • Use gentle anti-inflammaging cleansing. Use a mild anti-inflammaging cleanser with elements from nature such as turmeric to remove excess oil and impurities without stripping the skin.
  • Use hydrating body care. Nourish the skin with good fatty acids from plant butters, oils with infusions of anti-inflammaging herbs specific for rehydration. Increased hydration will support healthy vibrant and glowing skin through the month.

Lifestyle best practices:

  • If it’s not a ‘hell yes’ its a ‘hell no.’ Pay attention to how your body and mind is feeling and create space in your schedule. Embrace any vulnerability you may be feeling right now and explore clearing triggers.
  • Listen to your intuition on what is no longer serving you. Begin to dissolve what isn’t working for you and find new strategies. The more your life is harmonious, the more your body and skin will be at its best.
  • Take an epsom salt bath to relax your muscles. Magnesium sulfate is great for reducing pain. Add a stress relieving essential oil blend to your salts — two drops of lavender, one drop of cypress, one drop of geranium, one drop of pine and one drop of vetiver — for a delightful sensory soak.
  • Listen to a favorite guided meditation while laying in bed. This is a great practice to implement right before falling asleep. A soothing voice with relaxing background music is helpful to a parasympathetic state of sleep and a continuous practice provides best results.
  • Incorporate a sleep tea blend of Passion Flower, Kava Kava, and Skullcap to drink as your nightcap. This herb nervine combination will support your parasympathetic system to sleep.
  • Take a few nights off from socializing and extra work. Spend quality time with yourself or with someone who allows you to be you. If you have children begin to implement childcare support from others you trust so you can just be. Children watch and learn and teaching them good self-care practices will serve them in adulthood.

Nourishment best practices:

  • EXTRA HYDRATION is essential for your menstruation week. Your body needs all the water it can to release toxins. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
  • Antioxidants and fiber. Berries have great antioxidant properties. Make yourself a colorful bowl for breakfast or as a nighttime snack.
  • Liver detoxification. Broccoli, cauliflower and kale support liver detoxification and are essential for your cycle flow.
  • Anti-inflammaging herb Turmeric. Golden milk teas are anti-inflammaging and good for your gut and liver.
  • Digestion support. Ginger, peppermint and fennel tea as a tincture or tea blend contains powerful antioxidants to soothe upset stomachs, release harmful free radicals and improve digestion.
  • Hormone supportive fats. Avocado, coconut, nuts or seeds are all healthy fats with Omega 3 fatty acids essential for the body, digestion and skin health.

Phase Two - Follicular: Spring 🌸 (Days 1-13)

The follicular phase is all about growth and returning energy. It precedes ovulation and is characterized by the maturing of ovarian follicles. Hormonal increases occur during this phase within the body influencing skin, body and mind behavior. Life begins to bloom again similar to springtime. Your renewed energy may inspire you and give you glowing skin. So make a new friend, get out there, stretch yourself and share what you are working on making the most of the energetic flow.

Skin inflammaging signs - phase two:

  • Improved clarity and brightness. Rising estrogen levels can contribute to a clearer complexion and enhanced skin radiance. Use anti-inflammaging products that will support skin clarity and brightness.
  • Normalization of oil production. As the energy in the body returns from the rise in estrogen — the follicular hormone — use elements from nature to stabilize sebum production leading to balanced skin.

Skincare best practices:

  • Antioxidant-rich skincare. Incorporate products containing elements from nature of the antioxidant vitamin C, to protect the skin from oxidative stress and enhance radiance from blood flow. Our favorite is a blend containing red raspberry seed oil with antioxidant properties specific for women.
  • Gentle exfoliation. Include gentle exfoliants from elements in nature to promote cell turnover and maintain skin clarity. Realize the body is ‘bursting’ with growth at this time and the support here will help reduce problems in other phases.

Lifestyle best practices:

  • Big plans and dreams come into place. Your brains creative problem solving abilities are at their peak. Your right and left hemisphere are deeply connecting to merge your intuition with your intelligence. It’s prime time to accomplish the most mentally challenging tasks.
  • Now is a time to build confidence and say ‘yes!’ to stretch projects. Your energy is building and a great for tasks outside of your comfort zone.
  • Take inspired action. Whatever feels like it will light your passion is a sign of inspiration. Go with your intuition here and take inspired action.
  • Make big decisions here. Your brain is heading into its peak. Whatever you have been pondering, decide now.
  • Plan. This is a great time to plan, plan and plan some more to bring your passions into your life. This phase is all about that growth in planning and actions needed.
  • Socialize, connect more with work collegues and let ‘maybe’ be a ‘yes!’. Your energy is designed to go outward, use it to your advantage and get connecting with stretch activities.

Nourishment best practices:

  • Prebiotics. Onions, apples, asparagus, avocados, bananas, chicory root, chives, dandelion greens, jicama, leeks, peas, potato skins, garlic, artichokes, cabbage, nuts, whole grains, and oats.
  • Probiotics. Fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, lacto-fermented pickles, miso, kombucha, yogurt and kefir.
  • Seeds, grains, nuts and legumes. Provide your body with healthy carbohydrates for the growing energy.

Phase Three - Ovulatory: Summer ☀️ (Day 14)

Ovulation is the pivotal phase of the menstrual cycle, equivalent of a standing ovation! Everything in your body is culminating to this point and when it is well synced its like a symphony. This phase supports the important hormone progesterone, which we will explore in the next phase. There is so much magical energy here for creation. It involves the release of a mature egg from the ovary. Hormonal surges may influence skin conditions. What you have been working on can have a lot of movement here with this energy. So go out and get that deal done, network, and spread your message. Talk often about what you are passionate.

Skin inflammaging signs - phase three:

  • Increased oiliness and sensitivity. Elevated levels of estrogen and testosterone may lead to heightened oil production and skin sensitivity.
  • Potential breakouts. Some women may experience premenstrual breakouts due to hormonal fluctuations and disruptions.

Skincare Tips:

  • Oil control. Use products that contain elements in nature to nourish the skin keeping the sebum production healthy, managing excess oil and shine.
  • Calming skincare. Incorporate soothing plant ingredients like aloe vera to alleviate skin sensitivity and redness from inflammaging.
  • Spot treatments. Employ targeted plant based spot treatments or high frequency light therapy to address emergency breakouts effectively.
  • Lightweight, non-comedogenic formulas. Opt for non-comedogenic skincare products made from elements in nature to prevent pore congestion. Perhaps schedule a hydrafacial — it’s like a carwash for your face!

Lifestyle best practices:

  • Creativity is high right now. Your right brain is stirring with creativity and is a great time to envision where your life that needs abundance.
  • Presentations. Use this time to build confidence in what you have to say and who needs to hear it and with a solid close you may see how your attraction ovulating energy works for you.
  • Get out there and get the word out about what you are working on. Use your voice and talk about what is bringing you excitement. Allow your words to open doors and see who knows someone you need to connect with to make it happen.
  • Sales calls. Whatever deal you have been working on this will be a great time for that final close. Make your quarter and year with how your body peaks!
  • Collaborations. Your energy is ripe for collaboration right now and group work will take you far.
  • Attend social events, work events and let all ‘maybes’ be a ‘yes!’. Your energy is outward and ready to attract. Go for it bravely, you just might open a new great opportunity.

Nourishment best practices:

  • Glutathione. A powerful antioxidant and protein, from vegetables like Broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, avocado, walnuts, and spinach.
  • Foods in Vitamin C. Oranges, peppers, brussels sprouts, grapefruit, broccoli, kiwi, guava and strawberries are equipped with this antioxidant.
  • Foods high in selenium. Brazil nuts, tuna, other seafood, brown rice, pork, chicken and grass fed beef al contain selenium.

Phase Four - Luteal: Autumn 🍂 (Days 15-28)

The luteal phase follows ovulation, is the longest transitional phase and hormonal shifts are preparing for menstruation. Research shows the increase in progesterone and prolactin can heighten your feel good emotions and a longing to nest. You may crave soothing smells, textures, and activities. As progesterone dips in the end of this phase, feelings of dissatisfaction or restlessness may result. Skin changes may manifest during this phase. This phase is much like autumn — a time for reflection and preparation.

Skin inflammaging signs - phase four:

  • Increased oiliness, redness, and inflammaging concerns. Rising progesterone levels may stimulate sebum production and disruptions can lead to oily skin and inflammaging.
  • Acne flare-ups. Hormonal fluctuations from disruptions coupled with increased oil production, may exacerbate acne breakouts.

Skincare Tips:

  • Oil control. Continue using anti-inflammaging products made from elements in nature to nourish the skin and prevent breakouts from excess sebum.
  • Anti-inflammaging. Incorporate products containing ingredients like boabab oil, schizandra, cordyceps, or helichrysum to reduce inflammation, de-stress and calm irritated skin.
  • Hydration balance. Maintain skin hydration with lightweight plant based moisturizers while avoiding heavy or occlusive waxy synthetic formulations that may exacerbate oiliness by clogging and disrupting the flow in your skin.
  • Consistent skincare routine. Stick to a consistent skincare regimen to regulate skin behavior and address any emerging concerns promptly.

Lifestyle best practices:

  • Wrap things up and complete projects. Whether it is a work or home project completion energy is high right now and is a great time to finalize or partially complete projects with this energy.
  • Practice self-care. If it is a feeling for it then indulge in cuddles, sleep, grounding, and nesting. Your body, mind and skin will thank you.

Nourishment best practices:

  • Magnesium and Calcium. Reduce fluid retention causing bloating with these two minerals. Magnesium research shows it may increase progesterone levels by supporting the health of the corpus luteum. Apricots, beans, brown rice, cacao, kelp, leafy greens, molasses, nuts, seaweed, sesame seeds and tofu are high in both.
  • Vitamin B6. This vitamin needs a double take for supporting progesterone synthesis, reducing inflammation and detoxing. Select sweet potatoes, spinach, tuna, salmon, garlic, bananas, avocado and chicken free from hormones or antibiotics.
  • Soluble fiber. Soluble fiber from swiss chard, apples, squash, flax seeds, beans, berries, peas, and cacao are known to bind excess estrogen, cholesterol, and toxins for bowel elimination.

It's crucial to note that reducing pro-inflammatory items in all phases is essential for optimal bodily function. Refraining and reducing the items below has anecdotal evidence to support well-aging for a woman’s skin, body and mind:

  • Refined sugars such as cookies, sodas, pasta, crackers and candy provide no nutritional value with a dopamine effect. Meaning the cravings you have for sweets are a sign the addiction centers in your brain have been triggered.
  • Fried foods. High in carcinogens and often trans fats making it difficult for your body to break down. Your skin is connected to your gastrointestinal tract. Fried foods often sit in the intestinal tract putrifying and cause skin inflammaging.
  • Caffeine. Studies have shown high estrogen levels in women indulging in large amounts of caffeine. 
  • Meat from grain fed animals have been fed diets with soy, corn and other additives as well as antibiotics and hormones. When we ingest them we ingest what they ate.
  • Alcohol. The liver spends most of its time detoxing just one glass of wine or other alcoholic beverage. According to traditional chinese medicine the liver is the seat of the hormones. Preserve your body by being mindful of your practices with these beverages.
  • Plastics. This element seeps into the item it is storing and can lead to inflammaging in our bodies and disrupting our flow. While we cannot eliminate plastics everywhere, do so where you can by using glass storage, non-plastic water containers and real silverware.
  • Synthetic ingredients. Many synthetic ingredients have evidence showing toxicity in large amounts as well as high possibility of disrupting the endocrine system hormone pathway.

To Conclude this Flow

Let’s unite in community to challenge outdated beliefs of shame and inadequacy, replacing them with reverence for the intricate design of the female body to support beautiful well-aging. While every woman’s experience is different, there is empowerment by embracing and reframing thoughts and practices around the feminine cycle. Begin celebrating the profound wisdom and innate beauty of each phase, navigating mindfully through the four distinct stages: Menstruation, Follicular, Ovulatory, and Luteal. Unlock the ancient secrets and practices of radiant skin, vibrant health, and conscious well-aging beauty. Each phase, marked by intentional hormonal fluctuations and physiological changes, offers a unique opportunity for self-care, nourishment, creativity and achievements. We say farewell to outdated notions of femininity causing burnout and embrace the cyclical nature as her secret super power. Step into the feminine new era of self-love, acceptance, knowledge and empowerment through each phase of the cycle. It's intentional wisdom of the body providing for her.

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