In the hustle of our modernized world, the constant barrage of information and opportunities can leave women overwhelmed, plagued by racing thoughts, confusion, anxiety, and a sense of panic. By identifying specific tasks causing the overwhelm and breaking them down into smaller steps, I've learned to incorporate restorative inward rest time or outward action, guided by my biologically feminine cycle. This intentional practice serves as the eye of the information storm, effectively reducing overwhelm and restoring a sense of flow. It's a practice accessible to every woman, tapping into our inherent capability to listen to our cycles and inner wisdom as valuable tools on the empowering path out of overwhelm and into a state of flow.
Conditioning of Cultural Pressures
Many women frequently express feeling overwhelmed due to their hectic schedules, a sentiment I know all too well from personal experience. Initially, I accepted this overwhelming feeling as normal, believing it was what I needed to do. I pushed myself and others into overdrive, striving to meet societal expectations. Whether it was impressing a boss, meeting deadlines, achieving quotas, maintaining a certain body image, having specific friends, being in a particular relationship, attaining financial stability, or achieving social status, the relentless push led me to neglect my feminine energy. It wasn't until I experienced significant burnout that I recognized I was operating under immense societal pressure and overwhelmed by masculine energies—choices, to-do lists, and numerous opportunities. I stand firm in the belief that this pressure stems from societal norms ingrained in high-achievers, emphasizing constant effort and drive – a culture of 'do more to look good and be accepted.' These cultural pressures have normalized an overwhelming state for women, a narrative conflicting with my desire for clarity, ease, and an intuitive understanding of my body's needs. The solution, as I've discovered, is to tune in, be efficient , and receive more. It involves returning to ourselves, re-establishing connections with our bodies, cycles, and intuition, and fostering a profound and effortless connection to inner wisdom. If you resonate with this experience, I've got you covered – keep reading to learn empowering practices for overcoming overwhelm and cultivating feminine strength.
Journaling for Overcoming Overwhelm: Breaking Down Tasks for Clarity
To tackle overwhelming thoughts, focus on identifying one small action you can take now instead of trying to handle the entire daunting task at once. Use the following journal prompts to connect with yourself, bringing awareness to the sources of overwhelm. Address each aspect individually by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable parts. I recommend handwriting these prompts to strengthen the connection between your hand and brain as this will help with inner awareness. Take a moment with each prompt and trust your initial responses; jot them down as they come to you.
- What specifically is making you overwhelmed?
- Write down as many specific things as come forth by asking ‘what else’ after each.
- Give them rank
- Now take the first 3-5 and break each one down into smaller steps. Continue breaking them down until you feel the overwhelm dissipate.
- What are the underlying thought patterns and beliefs contributing to my overwhelm?
- Are there specific people in my life who can give me support in this time?
- How can I ask those people for support?
- What parts of me are in conflict with one another?
- How do I typically respond to overwhelm?
Trust the process, how you managed to respond to the above is right for you. If you don't know or have an answer to any of them that is ok! The answers sometimes come well after we ask. Answers often reveal themselves in due time, much like stumbling upon a lost item long after the search ended.
Harnessing the Feminine Cycle Out of Overwhelm
Paying attention to your biologically feminine cycle will give you inward and outward energies helping you head closer to your desires. In each phase of a woman’s cycle, we are gifted with incredible energy to accomplish at our own pace in our way as women. This is our feminine energy. An energy that society has not taught us to live by and the focus here is to do the exact opposite. Live by it to reduce overwhelm, do less, and get more done.... the 'well-aging' process.
Phase One — Menstruation phase
- Take time in this phase for a bath, long shower, sauna visit, or anything else nervous system calming and helps you step away from stress.
- Lovingly and intentionally immerse your skin with skin care ingredients that will hydrate and are filled with omega-3's, iron, Vitamin C, anti-inflammatory and adaptogen plants to soothe any acne, itchy, soreness and reduce skin stress.
- Set new intentions
- Cut back on work tasks
- The brain is wired for the right and left hemispheres meaning your intuition and logic are synchronized. This is a great phase to get clarity on a plaguing issue.
- Work slower
- Be more inward, introspective and check in with your higher self
- Take a day or two off
- Moderate exercise
Phase Two — Follicular or growth phase
- Immerse your skin with skin care ingredients to support the glow of your bodies growth phase, reduce inflammaging, and brighten with antioxidant and collagen boosting plants.
- Start new tasks here
- Be more social and get your message out there
- Start new projects
- Make big decisions and stretch yourself
- Plan
- Brainstorm
- Be outward
- Great for sales calls or large events
- High-intensity workouts and strength training
Phase Three — Ovulatory phase
- Immerse your skin with skin care ingredients to reduce inflammaging by supporting the skin regeneration needed at this time and activating olfactory notes to inspire your manifesting power like Rose and Blue Lotus.
- Great for working in groups
- Time for networking events
- Releasing what isn’t serving you- break up with tasks that constantly make you feel like you ‘should do’ them here. Who else can take responsibility, is there another way to do it or not at all?
- Get out there and get the word out about what you are working on
- Great for sales calls, meetings and closing deals
- Give your presentations
- Pitch your ideas
- Collaborations with others you can grow from
- Harness the outward energy
- Extra warm-ups before workout
Phase Four — Luteal phase
- Immerse your skin with skin care ingredients to reduce inflammaging by supporting your circulation, reducing psychological stress and acne flare ups, and improving your collagen.
- Energetically poised to complete projects
- Wrap things up and slow down
- Give yourself some self-care
- Tackle simpler parts of projects
- Energy goes inward for introspection and higher self-wisdom
- Take time in nature
- Focus on recovery
Taking Restorative Rest
If you ever feel the need to step away, regardless of the phase you're in within your cycle, that's perfectly okay! It's important to honor your needs and give yourself the space to hit the pause button. Connecting with nature is an excellent way to ground yourself and reclaim mental peace. As you prioritize your body's innate wisdom and take breaks during the introspective phases of one and four you might discover a more energy for the active phases of two and three. Also, being grounded makes it easier to connect with your body, access your intuition, and blend it with logic, ultimately dissipating overwhelming thoughts and promoting better clarity. Your skin will thank you for this well-being practice as your body aligns.
Consider the following:
- Nourishing your body with clean beauty products, clean food, and plenty of good hydration
- Setting aside time for yourself every day to do things the way you enjoy (even if it is just 10 minutes)
- Taking time to meditate and do an inner body scan
- Journaling
- Checking in with yourself
- Spending time in quieter places like nature
- Waking up with enough time to have a peaceful start to your day
The fast-paced nature of the modern world often ensnares us in overwhelming choices and societal expectations resulting in an unhappy body and skin problems. However, amidst this chaos, you possess the extraordinary ability to tune into your biological feminine flow. Recognizing the signs of overwhelm, primarily rooted in programmed thought patterns, underscores the urgency of transcending this unhealthy way of living for women. This transformative journey is guided by the illuminating power of journal prompts, honoring your biologically feminine energy, grounding activities, and intentional self-care beauty practices. Together, these practical tools provide avenues to navigate and alleviate overwhelm, fostering a deeper connection with our intuition and an unwavering trust in our inner knowing. As we embrace this intentional path, the result is not merely an escape from overwhelm; it's a powerful transformation leading to a life characterized by clarity, ease, and alignment. This journey is not only feasible but represents an empowering path that every woman can embark upon, unlocking her true potential, reclaiming control over her narrative, her body, and her life.