When we watch nature, we see such a beautiful process of growth, stillness, magnetism, and attraction all woven throughout the four seasons. Incredible transformations and renewals happen in nature each year, and every season has its purpose. Similarly, during a woman's monthly cycle — with its rhythmic patterns and four phases — reflects this same process of letting go, stillness, growth, and expansion. Each of the four phases embodies the essence of the four seasons. The energetics are similar, highlighting a connection. Signifying a woman naturally experiences seasonality within herself despite where she resides. And what a beautiful process to celebrate being a woman! Let us explain in more detail below:
Phase One — Menstruation
Seasonal representation is Winter
Winter, with its peace and introspection, sheds the old by letting go, creating space for new beginnings. It awaits the promise of spring, representing a time of quiet release, shorter days, and hibernation. Similarly, menstruation symbolizes this same quiet and stillness. As all hormones decrease, the uterine lining begins to shed, also creating space for new beginnings. The energy in a woman’s body turns inward and slows, requesting more sleep. Just as winter invites reflection and rest, the menstrual phase offers time for introspection, self-care, and being.
Phase Two — Follicular
Seasonal representation is Spring
As winter transitions to spring, the landscape awakens with the promise of new life. Beautiful growth takes place: color begins to show in new blooms, days start to lengthen, and a feeling of freshness is in the air. The chirping of birds awakens nature and embodies new life. Similarly, the follicular phase symbolizes renewal and growth. Estrogen levels rise to stimulate the development of ovarian follicles in preparation for ovulation. Like the budding of flowers and trees of spring, a woman's body becomes energized. With this new growth, energy moves outward and a readiness for possibilities is ahead.
Phase Three — Ovulatory
Seasonal representation is Summer
Summer, with its warmth and vitality, everything bursts forth: colors are full and vibrant, energy is high, and days are long; attracting nature's elements. It mirrors the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle. During ovulation, there is a release of a mature egg from the ovary, marking the peak of fertility. There is abundance within the woman’s body. Like the lush landscape of summer, her body is at its most fertile during this phase, brimming with vitality. The energy is outward, opportunities are boundless, and manifesting energy is abundant.
Phase Four — Luteal
Seasonal representation is Autumn
As summer wanes and autumn arrives, the landscape prepares for a period of transition. Nature begins to slow, colors change and disappear, days shorten, and cooler weather approaches. Similarly, the luteal phase represents a shift towards introspection and preparation. If fertilization doesn't occur, progesterone levels rise, creating a nurturing environment in the uterine lining. This phase embodies a sense of harvest and reflection. Energy begins to turn inward as the body prepares for either pregnancy and life growth, or menstruation and letting go.
To all the women reading this right now, take a moment to sit with the beauty of who you are and the natural ebb and flow of your energy each cycle. Allow a new reframe: my cycle is uniquely designed and intentional. In place of anything the menstrual cycle has been for you. Every woman has her own unique rhythm, and it's perfect for her! By looking at this through the lens of the four seasons, you can deepen your understanding of your cycle’s natural rhythm. Just as the seasons in nature influence the world around us, a woman's menstrual cycle influences her physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Embracing these analogies cultivate a greater sense of connection to the Cyclical Nature of a Woman and the natural world. We invite every woman to honor the phases of her cycle with nature. To all women out there, you are beautiful in your ebb and flow, and we celebrate you!