The Impact: Your Thoughts and Skin
Years ago, I constantly told myself what terrible skin I had. The mirror, the way my skin felt, and how society responded all confirmed this negative self-image and symptom manifestation. For over a decade, I reinforced this by saying things such as, "I hate my skin," "I have the worst skin ever," and "my face is so ugly." My body language mirrored this low self-esteem. It made me feel shy, awkward, and filled with self-doubt. Then, I began to catch my negative thinking and noticed how harshly I spoke about my skin. I realized that without changing my internal dialogue, I would never find a real solution and I could only go as far as I believed I could. I decided to try something new – reclaiming my thought power by speaking loving kindness over myself. I began with affirmations such as, "I have beautiful skin," "I have healthy, glowing skin," "my skin is smooth and clear" “My skin reflects my healthy habits and thoughts.”
While it took some time, over the next several years, I saw improvements. I altered my lifestyle habits incorporating new healthy products, I reduced inflammation both internally and externally with the right food and water, and found non-invasive, non-surgical, non-prescription based treatments that aligned with my skin and health goals. My skin began to reflect these positive practices and new affirmations. Today, my skin is clear, bright, and under control. I literally love my skin – everything I spoke over it I now feel – and have learned that what you ask for, you receive and what you don’t believe you can have, you will not. I have also learned that what goes on your body goes in your body and nourishing your skin with healthy formulations will reflect well-being back. The mind and body is all connected.
If incorporating all the right practices and still the results are elusive, take a look at what your thought life is saying about your situation. Nourishing affirmations combined with what you put on and in your body, can result in beautiful healthy skin.
Below is a list of beliefs behind different skin concerns, take a look and see what resonates with you finding a more empowering statement to begin your new nourishing practice:
Skin inflammation like rosacea, dermatitis, or hives: this can be rooted in anxiety, fear, or old buried emotional guck.
When the symptoms in our skin are from anxiety and fear, it is often a reflection of the turmoil within. Old wounds and buried emotions manifest as skin inflammation, reminding us of the need to address our mental and emotional well-being. By embracing thoughts of joy and peace, we create a sanctuary within ourselves, allowing forgiveness and freedom to flourish. Speak and embody the following affirmation anytime those negative feelings arise: I empower myself with thoughts of joy and peace, embracing my strength and beauty as a woman. I forgive and release the past, I allow myself to thrive in this moment of freedom.
Sagging lines: Resentment of life experiences. Your thoughts ‘sag’, feeling heavy and old from the mind reruns of the lingering past.
The sagging lines on our face mirror the weight of resentful thoughts that burden our minds. By expressing the joy of living and embracing the present moment with enthusiasm, we can let go easily and effortlessly of the past. We lighten the load in the mind, rejuvenating both our thoughts and body. Speak and embody the following affirmation anytime those resentful thoughts arise: I express the joy of living in the now and allow myself to enjoy every moment of the present day totally. I become young again.
Swelling in your skin and body: Stuck thinking. Clogged, painful ideas.
Swelling serves as a physical manifestation of mental stagnation, signaling the need to let go of clogged, painful ideas. What is your idea and why is it stuck? By allowing our thoughts to flow freely and effortlessly, moving through each phase we clear the path for new perspectives and insights to emerge. Speak and embody the following affirmation anytime you notice stuckness: My thoughts flow freely and easily. I move through ideas with ease and my skin is flowing with my cycle.
Psoriasis: Fear of being hurt. Deadening the senses to self.
Psoriasis speaks of a deep-seated fear of vulnerability and rejection, often accompanied by a numbing of our senses. By affirming our worthiness and embracing self-love, we awaken to the joys of living, welcoming abundance and fulfillment into our lives. Speak and embody the following affirmation anytime life feels heavy: I am alive to the joys of living. I deserve and accept the very best in life. I love and approve of my self image.
Pimples: Small outbursts of anger.
Pimples serve as small reminders of unresolved anger simmering beneath the surface. By cultivating serenity and calmness within in your lifestyle practices and rituals, we pacify the storm, restoring harmony to our minds and bodies. Speak and embody the following affirmation anytime you feel unwarranted anger: I calm my thoughts and I am serene. My skin reflects my internal brightness.
Pain from guilt. Guilt always seeks punishment.
Any guilt we carry manifests into pain and self-blame. It perpetuates a cycle of punishment and suffering. By releasing the past with love and compassion, we break free from the shackles of guilt, paving the way for healing and wholeness. Speak and embody the following affirmation anytime guilt arrises: I lovingly release the past. I am free. All is well in my heart now and my skin reflects the love I have for others.
Pituitary gland: Represents the command center.
Our pituitary gland, housed in our nervous system, serves as the command center of our bodies, regulating various functions, hormones and processes. What manifests in the nervous system is sent as directions to other body systems and can result in inflammatory skin conditions. By maintaining a balance between our thoughts and body, we exercise balance in our emotions, fostering a sense of harmony and well-being. Speak and embody the following affirmation when we feel out of balance: My mind and body are in perfect balance. I control my thoughts and my feelings are in harmony. My skin is calm and clear.
Itching: Desire to go against the grain. Unsatisfied. Remorse.
Itching signifies a yearning to break free from constraints of life and embrace change. What are you resisting? By finding peace and surrender in the present moment, we release the need for external validation, finding fulfillment within ourselves. Speak and embody the following affirmation when we feel resistance to life: I am at peace just where I am. I accept what is good, knowing all my needs and desires will be fulfilled and my skin reflects this fulfillment.
Face: Represents what we show the world.
Our face serves as a mirror, reflecting our innermost thoughts and emotions to the world. By embracing authenticity and self-expression, we create a safe space to be ourselves, unapologetically and wholeheartedly. To increase your authenticity, speak and embody the following affirmation: I create my own safety to be me. I give myself permission to be who I am and I freely express this in my words and actions. My skin remains calm and I am sure in my confidence.
Edema (holding fluids or swelling): What or who won’t you let go of?
Edema symbolizes our reluctance to release the past, clinging onto memories and emotions that no longer serve us. By willingly letting go and embracing freedom, we create space for new beginnings and opportunities to unfold. Speak and embody the following affirmation when the past lingers: I willingly release the past. It is safe for me to let go. I am free now. My skin is firm and bright.
Eczema: Breath-taking antagonism. Mental eruptions.
Eczema speaks of internal conflict and turmoil, resulting in mental eruptions and antagonism. By surrounding ourselves with harmony, love, and joy, we cultivate a sense of security and peace, nurturing our skin and soul alike. Speak and embody the following affirmation when we feel internal conflict: Harmony, peace, love and joy surround me and indwell in me. I am safe and secure. My skin is calm.
Acne: Not accepting the self. Dislike of the self.
Acne reflects a lack of self-acceptance and self-love, manifesting as physical blemishes on the skin. By embracing our inherent worth and beauty, we affirm our value and worthiness — radiating confidence and self-assurance. Speak and embody the following affirmation when you are lacking self-esteem: I am a divine expression of life. I love and accept myself where I am right now.
Aging problems: Social beliefs. Old thinking. Fear of being one's self.
Aging problems stem from societal pressures and outdated beliefs, fueling a fear of embracing our true selves and where we are in life. By loving and accepting ourselves at every age, we defy societal norms and expectations, celebrating the wisdom and beauty that comes with each passing year. Speak and embody the following affirmation every time your age triggers you: I love and accept myself at every age. Each moment in life is perfect.